Thursday, September 29, 2011

Little brown bird

As most of you know, and have probably heard by now, parts of Pennsylvania were hit pretty hard by all the rain we've been having of late.

On a recent sunny day, something that's been quite a rare occurrence, I was able to get outside and scout around for some subjects to photograph.

I was about to head down a path that runs through the woods near the property, when a movement caught my eye.  I turned towards the movement and there, in a bush was a little brown bird.  I waited to see if I could get a clear shot of it, and it hopped out of the bush and onto the ground.

I couldn't believe how close it was and wondered if it saw me or if it was so intent on catching bugs that it didn't even notice I was there...

I think it was safe to say, it knew I was there....

It actually cocked it's head and looked straight into the camera!

At this point, the bug it had been eyeing, had flown off and it was now just us two...

It hops up onto one of the wooden posts lying on the ground, maybe to get a better view of it's surroundings?

...about 3 feet from me here...

...about a foot away...

I had to angle my camera to keep my foot out of the picture... I think that's what it's looking at here...

I could have nudged him with my toe!

At this point, it either spots another bug or is tired of the standoff and gives me it's back, hops past me to the other side of the path and disappears into the brush.

All of this and I'm still within sight of the house.  I wonder what would have happened if I had made it into the woods?

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