Saturday, February 25, 2012

When you get caught...

...between the moon and NYC...

Every time I'd ever see the moon hanging over NYC, that song would pop into my head.  And I'd always only see this sight on the bus, on my way home from work.  Trapped, without my camera.  How frustrating!!!  I'd plot how I could get a picture from the NJ side of the river.  How would I get there, where could I get the picture from a vantage point that would allow me to capture what I see from the bus???  Unfortunately, I haven't figured that out just yet.  But one day soon, I hope to have just what I want.

In the mean time, this will have to do.

From my office window, I was able to capture a few pictures of the moon over NY as the sun rose in the east.

At this point, only close ups allow me to see the moon.  The sun is up and gaining, the moon is setting and waning...

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Heavenly Views

For as long as I can remember, I've always looked up, especially during summer.  Watching the different types of clouds roll by.  I enjoyed the different shading some of the clouds would get, especially the thunderheads that rose so high, they seemed to go on forever, up into the sky.

Since taking up photography, it was one thing I wanted to capture.  I wanted to be able to save a piece of the sky for me to look upon whenever I wanted.

Always on the ride home, from the windows of the bus, I'd see all the pictures I'd wish I could take, but the movement of the bus wouldn't allow it.  I don't think the driver would have stopped either.  So, I'd look and hope that one day I'd be able to get a picture, half as nice as what I had seen.

Shafts of sunlight streaming through the clouds, landing who knew where and spotlighting what ever was at the end of that beam.  From the bus, I could see the breaks in the clouds and those shafts of light and wished I could have pictures of them.    Weather wouldn't always allow it, and location, for me, was an issue.

Finally, one Saturday, the sun, clouds and location were made available and I rushed to the top of Camelback Mountain and got the following, I hope you enjoy them.

As I happily snapped away, a hawk flew into view.  He seemed to be gliding towards the one spot of sunlight in the clouds.  In these first pictures, he's just a speck right under the dark clouds...

Coming more into view, still under the dark clouds, but getting closer to the beams of sunlight...

...Until, finally...

All the play of shadow and sun I could ever hope for...

...Until the next time, naturally.  :)